Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 51

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 5
issue Number : 51

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 5، ، issue Number 51

Stylistic study of the manuscript "Sharh Golshan Raz" written by "Sheikh Mozaffaruddin Ali Ibn Mohammad Shirazi"

Salman Yousefi Qutbabadi , Khairullah Mahmoudi (Author in Charge)


Due to the extraordinary importance of the book Golshan Raz by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari, many details have been written on this book. One of them is the commentary of Sheikh Muzaffar al-Din Ali ibn Muhammad Shirazi, one of the great sages and mystics of the ninth century AH. This article seeks to study the structure, style and linguistic features of this manuscript by mentioning brief and concise explanations about the author"s condition and reviewing his works and introducing the manuscript version of Golshan Raz"s commentary. Check. The research method in this paper was documentary and library based on the basic version and the evidence extracted from it and contemporary biographies of the author.Sheikh Muzaffar al-Din Ali ibn Muhammad Shirazi was one of the great sages and mystics of the ninth century AH and one of the mystics of his time. This book, which has been written in simple and fluent language and sometimes decorated with verbal and spiritual crafts, contains the expression of mystical truths and descriptions of mystical words and phrases in Golshan Raz and mystical descriptions of verses in simple and fluent prose in 156 pages. The beginning of writing this commentary is not known, but its completion date is considered to be the year 891, which was written by Hassan Al-Hadi Al-Husseini Al-Yazdi.This version consists of two parts. In the first part, which is the introduction or preface of the work, after praising God and praising the Prophet and expressing the status of human beings and mystics, discussions are expressed in the description of 26 mystical truths. The terms of mystics, etc. are accompanied and take on an idiomatic form. In the second part, Sheikh Muzaffar interprets and explains the verses of Golshan Raz, and in this work he is far from ignorant. In a few words, he fully explains the verses of Golshan Raz. This commentary is written for those who are at least familiar with the meaning of mystical terms, or who are aware of their conduct. He has been negligent in quoting Persian and Arabic poems and phrases and has quoted the poems without mentioning the names of the poets. Also, in many cases, he brings several verses from several poets in a row without mentioning the names of the poets. Since this work is an explanation of Golshan Raz by Sheikh Mahmoud Shabestari, its educational aspect is superior to the literary dimension. The language of this work is far from simple and there is no trace of craftsmanship in it. The main words and combinations used in this work are Arabic. Also, the lack of attention to the grammatical rules of the Persian language and the common lexical negligence in the prose texts of the Timurid period can be seen more or less in this work, but in general, the commentator has followed the style and context of mystics in writing his work.

Description of Golshan Raz , Muzaffaruddin Ali Ibn Mohammad Shirazi , Manuscript , Stylistics

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